Dr. Peter Meier
Reframing LEP




To C3-be or c3-not to be, that is the Question!

The prevailing Option I limits people to striving for mass-attractivity within the spirit of the time, which is now changing increasingly faster with seemingly nobody in charge anymore. Option II encourages and challenges people to fulfill their tasks in view of their life-fulfillment.


Personally relevant Approach: You will learn under Option I that c3 requires the skill to impose onto others in order to

> command#0 (creatively aiming at a position of power; easy to get at for self, hard to convince others of and thus opt for "anything goes") while execution should not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. This would require understanding each other! If you want to master something or someone, your should serve its, his or her purpose rather than misuse things and people merely competing for power...
(aiming at position of power in the evolution of things, e.g. with technology; complex to get there, easy to prove like Kim Jong-Il when he exploded a dirty atom bomb to black mail the world) while judgment should be based on serving the task fulfillment of those people involved, except where that would conflict with loyalty#0 (to control fear instead, Peter denied Jesus when the cock crowed three times), and
(aiming at definition power; hard to get, say winning an election, easy to verify e.g. by the majority of opinions) while the sender's existence must be safe as long as such protection does not conflict with language convention#2 and staying in control#1 of the situation e.g. even for passing on bad news, but against tricksters with their rhetoric, Option I enforced structural  power and non-sequitur with simplifying category errors (snake in paradise, Judas' kiss)...

All c3 together instead of accepting the Option II mindset indicated, simply aims at convincing people to go beyond who they are to serve some hidden agenda. This of course assumes in hidden ways, that people have no X-personal substance to be accounted for, other than just what is desirable for the required skills. This is commonly referred to as theory X - which in fact promotes a mindset negating X in the typical value reversal so that evil Option I intentions may prevail...

Factual Approach: On the other, less know side, the
Option II C3-approach >understands#3 and acknowledges
(aiming creatively at definition power based on one's substance at least over one's life - which is easy to get for conscious people, but hard to get it across to others and is thereby declared as not politically correct to say the least)  God as the Creator of all the Creation and as also having created me and you, and all beings as his Creatures about whom he cares to fulfill their substance with their life. Correspondingly Jesus Christ has set the outstanding example of what that entails and its meaning, and pointed out the support we get from the Holy Spirit in believing in him in our conscience. In short, there is cause and responsive action to be considered, rather than the mono-political approach under the, in the end social Darwinian, meaningless Option I hoax.

Success promising Approach: To do justice to Option II you need to believe in being able to sufficiently
understand the substances (God-Jesus-the Holy Spirit-self-others-nature-world-and its temptations) involved in your life, and then give meaning to their fulfillment to meet the requirement for a fulfilled life. And that needs to be so, before you use power and psycho-politics as the sole option under Option I. In short, resorting to Option I might seem necessary, while only going along your path with Option II, and coping with the truth towards of life- through task-fulfillment is sufficient. And that is what Jesus Christ as such, introduced...


Human Approach: It is only with an Option II mindset that any real human being can be acknowledged to have the §1-right to express his or her, God created X-substance with appropriate open-ended generative principles, oegp. The human rights rhetoric under Option I, however, has no substance and can, and is therefore easily misused.


Human Cooperation: When it comes to human cooperation, Option I leaves people other-determined, either as managers of others with hidden agendas, as perpetrator, or as their victims. Option II, however allows us to focus on the innate §2-purpose of one's X-substance. And that is where the %1-politcal correctness comes in by dividing §1 to rule §2 with a "yes - but" to what you try to §1-express; after all this is supposing humans to be mere social beings as if God were a tinkerer with what he had created for each of us to §1-express! And so §1 degenerates to the famous cry of Edward Munch, the brand mark of Option I, now the most expensive picture after it was auctioned 2012 at Sotheby for 120 Mio. Dollar:




Personal Growth: Only if one follows one's innate §2-purpose can their be personal growth in terms of focusing with §3-integrity towards §0-sustainable inner growth. And whoever has had that experience can B1-believe in something higher than Option I, the proof of which comes in the then possible B2-breakthrough. Here we are at the cross-road; whoever turns to %1 is bound to have §2>§3 %5-manipulated in order to %6-project something mass-attractive instead of §3>§0. And without the latter experience, there is no basis to genuinely B1-believe anything before it has manifested as common sense and that then becomes a dead end rather than a possibility for a B2-breakthrough!


Quality Control: Jesus Christ has introduced the quality control of believing in terms of the B3-path that in B4-truth allows B5-life- through task fulfillment in, and beyond the Option I world. Whoever does not follow Jesus on his or her G3>G4>G5 is torn between %1-adaptation and wanting +2 more of the same lust for %5-self- made appearances, and the -4 frustration of having to %6 convince others to get away with its bluff...


Meaningful Innovation: Giving meaning beyond one's mortal life to the H1-hope into God's H2-higher order gains the impact to transcend the %1-politcal correctness with which the Option I world evokes and imposes its self-destructive consequences via the evil spirit of the time ("Arglist der Zeit" as the "Eidgenossen" referred it to in the founding constitution of Swiss Federation 1291). However, the hopeless ones are merely left to *3-survive the "+2/-4 struggle and thus become susceptible for ?0-ideologies and inner fantasies, idolatry...


Success Experience: In our time it has become utterly apparent that there is no real success experience under Option I, only in tune with Option II's H2, which leads to an H3-inner relationship to reality which can be shared by people sharing H2 and that leads to successful people in successful communities as a precondition for LifeFulfilling Platforms, which the body of Christ is supposed to be. And only that kind of society allows a sufficient H4-insight into the relevant substantiality's of self, others, and how God wants us to fulfill them. Lacking substance, one is left to cope with the trend of the ZG-zeitgeist under the madness of the mono-political Option I!


Personal Responsibility: What is not based on sufficient H4-awareness, cannot be turned into otherwise unconditional L1-love which flows naturally and bears fruit. Once effect of causes become apparent, we are called for L2-Timely Exchange of Project-Oriented Competence, which Jesus did by resurrecting so we may be saved rather than getting lost in the permanently self-destructive Option I world. So the question is, how much time do you spend in your head to have a mass-attractive image and how much is left to implement insights...


Matter of Fact: And last but not least, every new born child, every new insight, requires some kind of L3-reframing the %1-traditional H2-order so the seed may grow, rather than get lost on gravel or in thorny bushes. And so Jesus transcended death beyond the thorny crown and being nailed to the cross by the c3-scribs with his L3-ressurection to save those who B1-believe in him as being the son of him, who is, who he is; God. And in John 14:12 we are called to follow Jesus' example, and fulfill our life similarly with our X-substance from our §1- to our L3-state of being as our 16 essential resources.


So we are left with the unresolved problem under Option I, that of the proper relationship between real people and the objective environment and the collective structure and its projected trend, perceived as ones cross or frame. Since Option I ignores the essence of real problem, the Option I world cannot solve its real problems. So the question remains how much of YOUR problem you project onto some available scapegoats as did the scribes with Jesus, only to have their temple, their frame destroyed some forty years after the crucifixion. On the other hand for those not condemned under Option I, Jesus is still alive and ready with the Holy Spirit to help us solve our problems, with Option II...


So we are left with the ultimate struggle, Option II for individual life-through task fulfillment and Option I for mass-attractivity in one's attempt to Bm-multiply one's hidden agenda as boundary conditions as the power to instrumentalize others and above all one's own X-essence for agendas determined by the eight non-essentials states (%1-%5-%6, "2/-4, *3, ?0, ZG-zeitgeist) in the ultimate struggle:

Option II#3                                    and                                Option I#1,#2,#0

                 personally relevant#3 Definition Power personally-neutral#2

Creativity                                                                                             Evolution

                appearance#0             Position Power    content-free#1


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Verantwortlich Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, 8048 Zürich, +41 44/432 89 59, pm/at/think-systems.ch Version vom 10.05.12: Übersicht, Inhaltsverzeichnis, News: Filmprojekt-Workshop, Anzeige, Verrat, Blog; erfahren SIE wie Menschen ohne Therapie-Gen unter Option I untereinander zu Grund gehen...